Thursday, February 23, 2012

Speaking Date Announced

Kyle will be reporting on the 18th of March. Our Sacrament Meeting beings at 9:00 am in the Quinn Building. We hope everyone who can come will join us in hearing his message.

Feb. 23, 2010

Duff and I would like to thank everyone who have prayed for Kyle this past two years. You have truly helped him with blessings untold. He has had a great mission and has enjoyed his time spent serving the Lord. He is working hard and keeping his mind on track. I am sure that he is anxious to come home and report on his service.

Feb. 23,2010

Kyle has been sick for a week fighting a bad cold. He is hoping that this week will be a great one. Two weeks ago he and his companion had a two sets of investigators come to church. This was the highlight of his week.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

catching up

Elder Madsen has been busily working the past month keeping his mind and spirit on Missionary Work. Each week we receive letters telling us he is not "trunky" and that he is still working hard.

This last week was transfers and he didn't get sent away. His new companion is Elder Smith who has been out for a few months. Kyle says he is going to "die" in this area.

Elder Madsen and Elder Smith have been teaching several people, one of whom is a young boy named Brendin. Brendin wants to join the church but his mother is against it. Everyone is praying and fasting that his mother will have a change of heart.

One teaching contact Kyle had several months ago was a less active family who's children hadn't been bapatized. Elder Madsen has since learned that they have been baptized. He is quite excited about this news.

Each week brings him seven days closer to returning home. Duff and I, as well as Kyle, are excited and anxious for his return. But on one hand we all know that the blessings that we have received as a family because of his service will end. We will have to come up with other ways to warrant such blessings.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Elder Kyle Madsen's release date is March 8, 2012. He will be arriving in Phoenix just a short 3.5 hours after leaving his beautiful Canada. He get's home at 11:00 am. We are very excited to welcome him home!

Dec. 27, 2011

It was really good to talk to everyone. I enjoyed it quite a bit. That was the last phone call home that I have too!

But I am not trunky....Things are going great.

Canada stores have huge sales the first Monday after Christmas here. It's called Boxing Day and it's pretty much the equivelant to Black Friday in the States. So the stores everywhere were super busy. It was a gong show, as they say up here. We didn't buy anything though. I didn't feel like waiting in long lines:) haha.

I don't have much else to say, we just talked two days ago. haha. I love everbody and I'll talk to ya next week!

Elder Madsen

Dec. 19, 2011

11:00 for our phone call sounds good to me. Our church starts at 12:30, so that gives us plenty of time. Not much else to say, want to save it for Christmas Day.

Love, Elder Madsen

Dec. 13, 2011

Well big surprise. I am getting transferred. I am going back up to Calgary to a place called Shawnessy. I am shocked, I wasn't expecting the transfer. I will let you know the phone number after I arrive.

My new companion is Elder Tabler and is fairly new.

I am doing good.

Not much else to say.

Love you!

Elder Madsen

Dec. 5, 2011

Hi Mom!!!

This weeks was pretty great! We found two new investigators who we are going to pass to other Elders, but it was great. The first ws a refferal that we received from church. His name is Jeramy and is about 16. His friend is in our ward and was invited over for dinner and a lesson. The family was worried about how it was going to go. They thought he might be argumentative, so we were prepared. Things couldn't have been better. he didn't argue, but listened intently and seemd to be sincere. He told us that he is searching for what God wants for him and is willing to give our Church a shot. He didn't accept the baptismal challenge but did take the Book of Mormon and is reading it. We will be passing him to Elder Henderson and Garner this week.

The second person is a young woman named Kristy. In our ward there is a young man named Mack who invited his less active sister to meet with us and two weeks ago we met with her and she has desires to change her life. Then this past Monday we had another lesson with her and her brother but this time she invited Kristy along to take the lessons with her. Kristy is a good friend of their family and has been very impressed with their parents lifestyle and has strong desires for a stable life and happy family. We'll be passing her as well this week to Elder Evans and Elder Bartholemew.

I got the package from the Evansons and I love the Christmas tree. I am so glad that you were able to meet up with them in Queen Creek. How awesome. Thanks so much!

K so the Christmas call is coming soon and there is only one p-day that I can corrdinate with you. I'll email my number then just in case I get transferred next week. We have between 10 and 2. Love you!

Elder Madsen

Nov. 28, 2011

This week has been pretty good. We taught Lehi again, but now the challenge is with his mom. She isn't sure if she wants to become active again. Our goal is to teach both and extend commitments that will help re-activate. We jumped another hurdle with Lehi too. He was sure he couldn'g be baptized because he wasn't "good enough". We told him that he was and not to worry.

We also met up with another member, Erin, who is less active. When we arrived, we thought her husband, who isn't a member, was not going to be there, but low and behold he was! We were able to explain to him what we were about and then gave lesson 1 to both. He told us that he has no religious background. But during the lesson we could tell he was touched. In our next lesson we are going to focus on how the gospel blesses families. Erin isn't sure she wants to return to church. She also has Word of Wisdom problems. One good thing though, one of the members of the Bishopric was good friends with Erin in Jr. High. He wants to come along to the next meeting with us. Se we have some good fellowshipping lined up. We're excited!!!!

This week has been great, I hope you had a good one too!!! Love you! and talk to you later!

Elder Madsen

Nov. 21, 2011

This week has been great! We caught up with Jomarie, Chris, Sherwin and Louie. We taught the first again to get everyone on the same page. Our main challenge is that they work so many hours and it is hard to find them home. We will keep trying though.

We also have a new investigator to teach as well. An 11 year old boy whose mom is a member. They are good friends with one of the ward members, so we had them invite Lehi and his mom over dinner. We taught them both lesson number 1. We have lesson number 2 set for Wednesday.

I am looking foward to talking with you on Christmas!

Elder Madsen

Monday, November 14, 2011

Nov, 14, 2011

Not much to report. Our work with Chassidy is going slow. She has to leave to go to Edmonton to help take care of a sick sister. She told us that she wanted to pick up after Christmas. We were devistated. We told her that if she wants to make changes in her life she needs to make it a priority. She agreed. She thinks she will be back in a week and we will check up on her then.

On a brighter note, Elder Atwood and I contacted a few more people this week that we haven't met before. We shared the Restoration with 2 young women in the park and passed their info to two other Elders. We also met a man who was in a hurry, but was interested in hearing what we had to say. We got his contact information and will get with him shortly.

Nothing else with our other investigators, but life is good. We are keeping our chins up and working hard!!!

Gotta go, I love you and I'll talk to you later!!! Elder Madsen

Nov. 7, 2011

Tell Jill that I said Congratulations on the baby blessing! I can't wait to meet him!

Things have been pretty crazy with getting a new companion. Elder Atwood from Ohio. He is soft spoken and very nice. He is very friendly with people. I like him a lot.

Not much else to tell, love you, Elder Madsen

Oct. 31, 2011

So, first of all, today is transfers, and last Friday I found out that I am training again!!! I guess the Lord trusts me as this is the 3rd time in a row that I am training a new missionary. I am really excited to train, it is hard but rewarding.

We dropped by the house with all the Phillipinoes this week. They all work at Wendy's on the other side of town and they work 11 to 14 hours. It is hard to get them all there. One of the lady housemates was home and we taught her the Restoration on the doorstep. I sware, we are going to teach them all individually before we even have another appointment set. It has been great.

We are still working with Chassidy. Keep praying for her.

I love you and I will talk to you next week!!! love you!!! Elder Madsen

Oct. 24, 2011

We picked up a new investigator, her name is Chassidy. Her mother and two of her daughters are members. There are alot of challenges that she faces but luckily we have members here who are aware of her and her needs that will help fellowship her too.

Another miracle happened as we were doing a follow-up and came across a room-mate. He is from the Phillipines and invited us in. We taught the First Vision and he said that "God touched his heart". He is very interested and wants to have the rest of his house-mates join in on the discussions.

So things are going pretty well. This next week is looking to be very good too.

Love you, Elder Madsen

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oct. 17, 2011

We found out that our investigator from Southern India lives just outside our area so we had to turn him over to the Sister Missionaries. We met his family using skype. Things are turning out well for him and he is still on track for baptism on the 29th. That was a pretty cool miracle.

We have been receiving many referrals, many we have to pass off because they aren't in our area. We treat refferals like they are worth more than gold. I definitely believe that what goes around comes around. I think if I'm happy to pass people off, then hopefully Heavenly Father recognizes it and will send more our way.

We stopped by another referral--came from a referral that was not interested. She said that his wife just passed away and that he may interested. We stopped by immediately and gave a 10 minute lesson and have a return appointment for the 25th.

We stopped another man on the street and gave him a 10 minute introduction and he agreed to come to church next Sunday.

We continue to drop by all our current investigators to keep in contact.

Keep praying for all these investigators!

Gotta go. Love you bye!!!

Oct 10, 2011

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!!

We have had a pretty good week. We have been making sure we are doing all the we can and asking the Lord to make up for what we can't accomplish ourselves. We had two really cool miracles!

1. Saturday night our 7:00 appointment cancelled on us. So we had some time and Elder Sorenson suggested that we go to the park. We pulled into the parking lot and said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to place someone in our path. The first people we see is a family on bikes who didn't stop. The next was a couple out power-walking and responded "better than you" when we aksed how they were doing!!! Then finally we came upon a couple out walking. Come to find out, the woman was LDS and her companion was not. So right there by the lake we did a mini version of the Restoration. It was great! We got the man's contact information so we could follow-up "while he was thinking about it!".

2. On Sunday, right before Sacrament Meeting, a man from East-Asia came into church. He told us that he was looking for a place to pray. We told him he found the right place. He stayed for all 3 hours. He told us that he grew up in Southern India and went to a Christian School. So he had a great foundation to build off of. We helped him understand what he was hearing and at the end of church we found out where he lived and set up a time to meet again. We did a mini version of the Restoration right there too and even invited him to be baptized and he accepted.

So that is how this week has gone. I love you and everybody.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Oct. 3, 2011

This week has gone pretty good. We picked up an investigator, Jacque, who has had the lessons before. We found out that her children have been asking about God lately and she can't answer their questions and wants our help. She felt good about our answers, but still doesn't think it matters what religion you belong to. We started over with a lesson on Joseph Smith and the first vision. She told us later that she felt something inside as we spoke, but couldn't describe it. We had some members with us on this visit and they were really good about explaining what that feeling was and helped her put it into words. They told her the more we meet, the more she will have these feelings. Elder Sorenson also invited her to be baptised. She told him that she wanted to consult with her husband before committing. Our goal now is to meet with both her and her husband.

We met with another investigator, Darlene, that has issues with Joseph Smith's statment that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book. She really loves the Bible and now it is up to us to help her see how both the Bible and Book of Mormon work together. We are going to bring her some conference talks to read on this subject as well. We told her that the only way she is going to understand and believe in that statement is to test it out by reading the book.

I sure loved Conference too! I found a lot of inspiration and answers for things I had been thinking about. I was definitely uplifted, enlightened and edified.

I love you and I'll talk to you later, Elder Madsen

Sep. 26, 2011

So here I am back in Lethbridge again. My new Comp's name is Elder Sorenson. He is from Idaho. He is really great. I am picking up right in training and I just love it.

We had an interesting experience. We went to go visit a member and knocked on the door, and found out we were at the wrong address. Elizabeth answered the door and said who we were looking for lived in the downstairs apartment. We saw this as an opportunity and offered her our message. She is German and grew up in Mexico. We made a return appointment for the next week. This was a great experience for Elder Sorenson. He did a great job too.

Keep praying for our investigators.

I love you, talk to you later, Elder Madsen

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sep. 12, 2011

We taught the fist lesson to Damian and Francesca. They didn't accept the baptismal date yet, but said that they would pray and seek for guidance from the Holy Ghost on what they should do. We also invited them to church and they came too! It was sweet. I think that they enjoyed it too.

I sure am trying my best out here and I am having a blast too. I love this gospel and have built such a strong testimony of it from teaching so much and helping others apply it to their lives.

Talk to you soon!

Elder Madsen

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sep. 5, 2011

The dinner the Wights made was pretty sweet. It was quite a nice surprise. It was funny because I walked in and I was like "mmmm, smells good!" and then I walked in their kitchen and saw the ribs in the bowl and at first it didn't even occur to me that they had made your recipe. haha. I finally noticed and was like, "hey, wait a minute." and the banana chocolate chip cookies were a nice surprise as well. They did a pretty good job following the recipes too!

We met with a new investigator, Jennifer. It was a lesson to remember. She is great and alot of things have prepared her for meeting with us. She is a very spiritual person and understands everything. The Sisters had given her a Book of Mormon in their first meeting and she has already read through 1st Nephi! She understands and loves it too. She pointed to a whole bunch of stuff she has already highlighted that she liked a bunch. She is super nice and bubbly and has a big smile on her face at all times. She is quite the talker too. She relates to Joseph Smith in that she has been searching to find what God wants her to do in her life. The only unfortunate thing is that her husband is a self-proclaimed atheist. When we asked if she believed the Book of Mormon to be true she said that she hadn't received an answer yet. We challenged her to baptism, but she feels that she has already been saved and the baptism she already received is good enough. However, she completely understands what we are there for and she says that she is the type of person that follows the promptings that God gives her, she said she may fight it for a while, but she eventually does. (don't we all do that somtimes as well? haha) Right now we don't have an appointment set with her, but we will head over there soon. She just wants time to digest it all.

We've had some pretty cool miracles happen this week too. Eden Brown and member from Toronto, came to church and asked us to visit with his nonmember son who just moved to Okotoks. We went over Monday night and we were invited right in and they fed us shish-ka-bobs and we had a good chat we hope to pick them up as investigators soon.

We also got a referral from the church. Tommy. He has been inactive and told missionaries in Calgary that he wants to become active again. He just recently went through a divorce and he has custody of his children. We are pretty excited about this new contact.

Still working with Billy and Carmen. Waiting to hear back from the paperwork on his divorce. And Holly has officially moved. I gave her my facebook information so that when I get home I can keep in contact.

That's officially how my week has gone. I'm doing really good and I am very happy. I love my mission and the experiences that I am having. I am not having very much success as far as baptisms go, but I am having a lot of great experiences!

Love Elder Madsen

Monday, August 15, 2011

Aug. 15, 2011

We found out that Rhonda Mercer has been in the hospital. She has been having heart troubles. Our prayers are with her. She is supposed to be coming home this week.

Holly is having to move back to Edmiston. We have set the 20th as a baptismal date. Continue to pray for her.

Carmen is doing good too. We helped her and Billy this week lay cement for a service project. As a side note, tell Brother Larsen how almost everything that I learned while working for him just before going on my mission has helped me with various service projects throughout my mission. I have helped pour cement and tear down parts of houses for renovations. Funny how that worked out isn't it!

Billy's lawyer is a sister to a Bishop. She is getting the ball rolling on his divorce so that Carmen and Billy can get on with their life together.

Elder Morris and I are doing great and so far I'm doing just fine with being a District Leader. I thought it would be more stressful, but it's okay...for now. Ha, Ha. I love you and talk to you later!

Love, Elder Madsen

The Wight's coming to visit, Aug 14, 2011

We had a lovely visit with the Wight family from Okotoks Canada where Kyle is serving now. We gave them some favorite recipes for them to make for Kyle--Banana Chocolate Chip cookies and Barbeque Ribs. They are planning on fixing dinner for him and surprise him with a "Dinner from Home". They just dropped their son off at the MTC, good luck Brandon in San Bernardino, California. You will be an awesome missionary!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9, 2011

Highlights from Kyle's letter today:

So this week has been quite the roller-coaster. We had two investigator lessons, found a new investigator and then lost him 3 days later, today is transfer, but I am staying with Elder Morris and I am now a District Leader. Yay for more responsibility!!!! This will be the longest that I have stayed in one area on my mission, lasted through 4 transfers, crazy, eh?

So, we received a referral from the church's system, Murray. It took about an hour to find him, he was alone, his family wasn't there. It turned out to be one of the best lessons ever. He is so prepared. We showed him the dvd, "Finding Faith in Christ" and then had an awesome chat. He has many friends that are LDS and is very impressed with them. One of them gave him a Book of Mormon. On his own he has given up alchohol, caffeinated drinks, and coffee. All this before even meeting with missionaries. He told us how he just loves the effect that "our faith" has on it's members and how we seem to stick to our morals and standards better than anyone else in other religions. The only hold up, his wife isn't interested and he doesn't want to meet with us behind her back. He says it isn't a matter of if, but when he becomes a member. We will stay in contact and drop by once in a while.

This was so difficult. He was an answer to prayers, but we aren't in the business of forcing people, we have to let them have agency. This has turned out to be another test of faith from Father in Heaven.

Elder Morris is doing well and learning quick.

Love, Elder Madsen

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2, 2011

Things are going great! Elder Morris is doing good and learning in a crash course, haha and we're having alot of fun.

We are still working hard with Holly. Focusing on daily contacts. We went over for D.C. last night and talked to her about setting goals and how they can help you progress especially when wanting to overcome things like smoking. She then told us that she wants to reset a baptismal date and pretty much set a date for baptism herself right there. She really has made alot of progress and we feel that for her she first must sacrifice her smoking in order to get the answers that she is looking for.

We have a new referral, Romey. Her husband passed away recently. She has been impressed with how kind the members of the church are to her in this area. She seems very prepared. We have set up an appointment. I will let you know.

We have another contact named Carmane. She was being taught in another area and just moved into ours. She is living with her boyfriend, Billy, who is still married. So we have a few hurdles to jump through. Billy is a member and trying to come back too. She loves the church and wants to be baptized.

That's all for now!

Love, Elder Madsen

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 25, 2011

So things seem to keep hitting brick walls as far as investigators go. Unfortunately, Holly smoked this week and couldn't be baptized and the Mercers keep dodging appointments. We spend most of our time teaching members and trying to get them to invite their friends and neighbors. Which has been my mission so far and it seems that it's been having little effect on them. Though there are the occasional members who are really good at sharing the gospel and getting people interest.

Things are going pretty good though. I'm having fun and enjoying life as much as I can and staying positive.

Lover, Elder Madsen

PDay July 25, 2011 Kananaskis

Today was a pretty good day and a stress reliever for a change. My district went up to the mountains in the Kananaskis area and hiked around for a little bit. It was pretty sweet and we had a pretty good time.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Duff and I are very proud of our son. We have received several phone calls and notes from the members where Elder Madsen is serving.

Here is a note we received in the mail yesterday.

Kyle is a great blessing to our family!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 27, 2011

Transfer time again.

Just a note, I get to be a trainer!!! Big mantel to put on and an awesome responsibility.

Elder Morris will be my new companion. I will miss my companion, Elder Colton. He is a great friend.


June 20, 2011

This week we had a pretty awesome miracle happen. We picked up 3 new investigators. Whoot!

Tanya Porteus and her two kids. She just split up with her less-active husband. She had been wanting to learn about the church for a long time and get her kids involved. A friend of hers (a member) told us to stop by. We did and set up a lesson for the next Monday, as well as the 16th.

She likes her wine though and works in the liquor department in Cosco. But we can help change that!

Vicki is coming along slowly and Holly is still hanging in there.

June 13, 2011

This week has been pretty tough, but one to learn from.

We met with Bret the Baptist minister again and a Mennonite Preacher. President Archibald gave us some pointers on how to handle both. I think we did our best in presenting Joseph Smith , but they think we put him above Jesus Christ. We did not get contentious and did not bash.

We met with Holly this week, things seem to be cooling down from her husbands melt down.
Vicki Steele is doing good. She knows she needs to following her heart (the Holy Ghost) but has a hard time with some of the concepts.

The Mercer's forgot our apppointment!

Things are good! Thanks for your love and support.

May 23, 2011

This has been the biggest trial of a week ever.

Sister Steele she decided to put off the baptism. We will keep working with her.

Sister Holly Jones's husband had a melt down and she had to take her kids out of the house and go stay with the Sebryk's family.

On a happier note, we meet with the Mercers again. We had a two hour lesson. She is pretty solid and seems to believe what we are teaching her. We meet again tomorrow.

Things are going great!

River In Okotoks overflowing from rain

May 30, 2011

This week has been pretty great! We had an appointment with Brother and Sister Whight and they called and said they had an investigator to teach too. Their son son Spencer moved back in to their house and brought a friend, Cathrine Lopez-Oriana. They are YSA age. We taught the first lesson and invited her to be baptized. She said she was ready. How sweet! Unfortunately we have to turn her over to the missionaries over the YSA group. One of them is Elder Ashjian, my former companioin. She will be taught really well!

Sister Steele is still on for her baptism, but her 93 year old mom is putting some wrenches in the works. She doesn't think Vicki needs to be baptised again. Once is enough.

We went to the Temple in Cardston again for P-day. I didn't realize how much I needed it until I entered the Celestial Room. I just broke out in tears. I started counting my blessings and became overwhelmed. I realized I couldn't worry about the negative things and only be happy about the positive. It was a big reality check. Now I am stoked again. This was probably the coolest experiences I've had in the temple so far.:)

May 23, 2011

We are teaching the Mercers and Holly and her husband. We have great support from Brother and Sister Sebryk who gave us Holly as a referral.

We had a pretty awesome miracle happen this week. We were visiting members in the area pumping them up on missionary work when we ran across a man named Jared. He didn't have time right then to talk, but set up an appointment for later in the week. We taught about baptism and gave him a Book of Mormon which he accepted. We asked him to read and pray about Joseph Smith.

Sister Steele is doing great. She believes that the Book of Mormon is true but is not so sure about Joseph Smith. We watched the video together "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" yesterday with her and committed her to read his history and pray about it some more.

May 16, 2011

We had an interesting experience at church this Sunday. We were waiting for things to start when we noticed a guy come in in jeans. His name is Mitchell and is a Catholic. He told us that the Sister Missionaries told him when church started and he decided to check it out. He came to our Gospel Principles class. The lesson was on the Priesthood. In the middle of the lesson he asked us when the Apostasy happened. We explained and he thought it made sense, but he didn't agree! Haha. He thought it was neet that a 13 year old kid would have the guts to give a talk. He did say he was a bit dissapointed with the adults and their reverence. He noticed a lady reading a travel guide and another texting. Bishop wasn't too happy and we were embarrassed. Our Bishop said he would bring it up in Priesthood Meeting!!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

April 17, 2011

This week has been awesome. 3 new investigators, 1 returning investigator and a vist from Elder Scott. Can't get better than that!

Bret--a baptist minister.
The Mercer's--a referral from a member.

Elder Scott taught about being Obedient and having a good relationship with our companion.

April 11, 2011

We made it to the baptism even though I have been transferred to a small town called Okotoks.

Attached are the pics. I am so happy! What an exciting experience for the Twoyoungman family.

Letter from the Sister Harding

Brother and Sister Madsen,

This is just a little note from the Hardings, the family that your son is currently staying with in Calgary on his mission---we sure enjoy having him and his companion here and we will miss them a great deal when they leave!

We thought that you might enjoy seeing these pictures that we took of your son, Elder Madsen and his missionary companion, Elder Gelwix. They have an American flag and a Canadian flag in their room plus they like to collect ties, so we had to go and take a picture. We also took a picture of another Elder doing a "nose flush" to help him clear out his sinuses--it made for a good picture and few laughs!! The last picture is Elder Madsen ironing some baby blankets that a group of R.S. ladies were sewing to send over to the Philippines for Premie babies. The Elders gave us some service hours and help us out.

Enjoy! Sister Harding

March 28, 2011

This month marks my year out. Wow, I can't believe it.

We are still on for baptism for the Twoyoungman girls. We are stoked. Transfers are up though. Cindy asked if Elder Gelwix and I could come back and to do the Baptism and Confirmation. We should get permission as long as we don't get transferred far away.

We had another experience with an investigator this week. Her name is Joanne Bell. She's 88. She's a little bit senile but that's ok. We committed her to praying about whether or not she needs to get baptized. When we dropped in a few days later we asked how her prayers were going. She says she wants to be baptized! She said that as she thought about it, that she kept hearing song lyrics over and over again in her head that were from her childhood. "Trust and Obey".

Love you guys!

March 21,2011

The Twoyoungman family all came to church yesterday. Whoot! The whole family. Only two are technically investigators, but still we got a whole family of 7 Natives to come to church. That right there is a miracle!

Another lesson with John Wahler. It was one of those lessons where you walk away and you know you said everthing that needed to be said. We praid the night before that we would be able to answer all his questions. It turned out awesome.

Hockey in the Parking Lot 3/14/2011

We still have snow on the ground that fell back in November! Crazy right?

March 14, 2011

The whole mission met at our chapel in my area at 7:30 to meet with Elder Christopherson from 8 am to 10 pm. We went over a whole bunch of scriptures that all had a main theme of repentance. One said to preach nothing but repentance.

We met with a new family, the Wahlers. Sister Wahler is a member in her middle 70's. She is active and brings her non-member husband to church. He is her second husband and have been married for 24 years. Sister Wahler has promised to read the Book of Mormon with him. When we met we asked him how important this church would be if all of this were true. He said, "Well I guess that would mean that I would have to join the church." Ha!

March 7, 2011

We are so excited, we are having a special guest come to our mission next Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's who! D. Todd Christofferson will be visiting.

February 28, 2011

This was a good week. Cindy Twoyoungman came to church with 3 of her kids. Then afterword we set a date for baptism. We noticed a big change in Cindy that is really encouraging to us. She even called next day to set up a time for a ride to church next week and to set up our next appointments.

Feb, 21, 2011

Nothing really new to report for this last week. I did get a new pair of sun glasses though. How do you like them!

January 24, 2011

So you know we have been teaching Jason, the Phillipino, things haven't been too great this past week. We were to meet him at church, but in the middle of the night we got a text that said he just couldn't do it anymore. We tried contacting him in the morning, but he wouldn't answer the phone. We went over with the Hardings from church to give his wife a gift, Jason wouldn't come to the door. We will continue to try and get ahold of him.

Jason is a great man. He loved to feed us whenever we went over.

January 24, 2011

We had an investigator not be able to come to church because he was incarcerated. Oh well, we'll keep trying with him. I got kinda irritated by what a member said at church yesterday when I told them about his situation. They just asked basically why we would even bother trying to teach him. My jaw dropped when I heard that. I just said to them, "Those who are well need no physician, but they that are sick." and I left it there.

January 17, 2011

This week has been the best week ever, seriously! I have had good weeks, but this tops them all. We met Jason Belly by helping dig him out of a snow drift. He is the most golden person ever. He is Phillipino with a wife and two little girls. He came to church with us and just loved it. His wife doesn't speak any english, so this will take a bit of time. We are stoked!

Also on Saturday we met up with a part member family, the Twoyoungmans. Cindy is a member along with her two older girls. She has 3 other children who are not baptized along with her husband. They have a long story, but to shorten it up, we taught the Plan of Salvation. We had Brother Darling from the ward with us that evening. He shared his conversion story with them. Cindy was surprised that you could be baptised when you are old. We set a baptism date. Be sure to pray for them this week!

January 10, 2011

This last week was pretty crazy. We have only been in this area 5 weeks and it looked like Elder Ashjian was going to stay, but alas, the call come in at 8pm that he was headed out. My new comp is Elder Gelwix from Salt Lake. His dad was in a movie "Forever Strong" he was the coach for the Highland Rubgy team. We are moving out of the "condo" and back into the members house.

I finally got the rest of my Christmas presents. The hold up wasn't the post office, it was the Zone Leaders, they forgot to get them to me! The calendar was way cool, all the pictures etc. Elder Gelwix was like "Oh-MY-SCHOOL-MUSICAL". I got all the cards too, say thanks to everyone!


Can't wait to hear from you. I won't say much so we have lot's to talk about. I have the tree up and the package waiting to be opened. I love you guys! Call around 2:00 pm. I can't wait.

December 13, 2010

Thigs are going awesome here. So get this, we had
to move out of a member's home because they were
having family come for Christmas. We moved in
with the Assistants to the President!! How rediculously awesome is that? We had the whole "CONDO" to ourselves for a week because they went out training
in BC. When they got back, we had training with
them as well. They told us that they are only doing this special training with certain missionaries and Elder Ashjian and I were picked!

President Archibald has challenged us to dramatically increase our faith. He wanted this to be the "culture" of our mission. Increase our faith and we will find those who want to join the church. The Assistants wanted us to be examples of the "Believers". That as we have
experiences, miracles will happen and we can be the elders that the rest of the mission want to follow.

They challenged us to have 2 investigators a week and 2 baptisms a month. We were flattered they they chose us to be an example. What an awesome responsibility.

December 6, 2010

I have been transferred to South area of Calgary and my new companion is Elder Ashjian. We started teaching a boy 12 years old. His mother is a member from Peru. She really wants him to be baptised but wants to do it in Peru. We taught the Plan of Salvation to him and he was able to repeat it to us pretty much perfectly. You can tell his mother has been teaching him too.

December 6, 2010

I have a new companion, Elder Ashjian. He is from Las Vegas. His dad just ran for Senator for the the Tea Party, he didn't make it, but that's ok. Elder Ashjian is a pretty goofy person so I think we will get a long just fine.

November 17, 2010

Winter is officially here, 10 below. Hey did you get a call from Sister Choules lately? Crazy story, I had dinner with her sister this week! Their names are the Olsens and they asked where I was from and I told them Gilbert and she said that she had a sister that lived on a "Libra" road and I said something like that I lived on "Orion". So long story short, she called us later that night and said she just got off the phone with her sister and she asked me, "Do you know Bob and Sharon Choules?" She's my sister! and I was like "NO WAY!" He was my Bishop. Small World, eh?

November 22, 2010

This is what we sleep in here in Cardston. Ha, ha!

Elder Johnson is from Alaska and he says this is a "Quinsey". We hollowed it out in our back yard. We didn't actually sleep in it, Elder Johnson wimped out on me. I picked up the pink snow pants at a local thrift store.

November 17, 2010

Okay, so the best part of the week, the highlight if you will, ready for it? We went out to a farm in Leavitt owned by a family named the Pillings who I've grown close to the last few months. We helped them slaughter their chickens! 36 Roosters to be exact.

Elder Johnson and I were getting really efficient and Sister Pillings said, " know if you weren't killing chickens I would think you were a pair of serial killers the way your talk'in." We said things like, "Wow, this ones a fighter!" and "Slit his throat, that'll shut 'em up."

October 19, 2010

Elder Madsen writes:

I recently bought a new pair of slacks because one of mine doesn't fit anymore. I have gained 5 pounds so far. haha

We went to the Temple today. It was again an awesome experience. Is it just me or do the sessions seem like they are getting longer though? But I still love it.

We are hiking in Waterton again.

Thanks for the love and support

November 8, 2010

Elder Johnson and I have started teaching Debbie this week. Her main concern is what her family will think. She grew up Catholic but not firm in the religion. She is afraid her family will disown her, but we know that as we continue to meet with her and as she reads, prays and goes to church, the spirit will touch her to the point of taking a leap of faith.

We also have a recent convert, Betty, a Phillipiono sister that has joined in with our Sunday lessons. She came to Canada about 4 years ago. She started to search different religions to find which one was true. She prayed alot to find the true church. She thanks Heavenly Father all the time that she has found a safe country to live and work.

I am doing great! Love you! Elder Madsen

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

May 2010

P-day at the park May 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oct 5th - A note from Canada!

To the parents of Elder Madsen,

Just a quick note to let you know how much we have enjoyed your son in our home! He has been teaching a 15 year-old girl named Taran Link who is a good friend of our daughter. We have enjoyed listening to the discussions and feeling his love for the Savior. As you know, he is such a good example of how we should be living the gospel. He is a truly inspired missionary and we are grateful that we have had the privilege to get to know him and his companion Elder Johnson. Thank you for raising such a great son who radiates the light of the gospel. As I am sure you know, Taran was baptized. He gave a wonderful confirmation blessing at the baptism. We're sure that you are proud of your son and you have every right to be!

Sincerely, Wes and Nardene Neilson

Oct 3rd - Taran's Baptism!

These last three weeks have been truly miraculous. Taran's Baptism was awesome on Sunday. I'll send you some pics online and also I'll send some physical ones that you can hang on the fridge. Pretty much the entire youth of Cardston came to the Bapstism. And even her grandparents, her mother and step-father and two brothers were there as well. And everything went so smoothly. It's my first baptism!!!!! It's was also pretty sweet because Elder Johnson got to baptize her and I got to confirm afterwards. That was a pretty amazing experience. and I have to honestly say that that was probably the strongest feeling of the spirit during a blessing that I have ever felt before. I was truly directed by he spirit in what I should say. I know that because also honestly I had NO idea what I was going to say beforehand. (Kyle's letter home 10-5-10)