Thursday, May 6, 2010


Good morning ! .... Everyone !!!!

This was a HUGE transfer week for our zone. 11 left ... but we get 11 new ones (who will have a very difficult time getting used to us).

We sponsored a Zone Breakfast on Monday. Menu: Pan cakes, Omelets with lots of toppings, hash browns, orange juice and milk. We never would have believed they would be able to consume 7 dozen eggs, 28 cups of pan cake mix (before water and bananas), 12 large baked potatoes - before being graded, 3 gallons of OJ and 3 gallons of milk. What were we thinking!

We blew a fuse in the kitchen so some of the cooking had to be done in another room.

Elder & Sister Owens

Zone Breakfast & Party

Ohhhh, Sweet Memories !!

For the last few moments of P-Day, we pulled a "spoof" on the missionaries. Before two of them knew what was happening, they were putting on a new "uniform" while everyone else were blowing up balloons. The Elders eagerly pitched in to do the "stuffing". Objective ... pop all the balloons without using your hands. What a workout !!!! Finally their "buddies" couldn't stand it any longer! They had to help. Soooooooo much fun ! Elders and Sisters were crying from laughing so hard! .... So, Mom's ..... Happy Mother's Day !

Elder & Sister Owens